
Win32 Thread Information Block

WeZZ 2012. 10. 31. 17:12



Contents of the TIB

Position Length Windows Versions Description
FS:[0x00] 4 Win9x and NT Current Structured Exception Handling (SEH) frame
FS:[0x04] 4 Win9x and NT Top of stack
FS:[0x08] 4 Win9x and NT Current bottom of stack
FS:[0x0C] 4 Unknown - TIB Subsystem?
FS:[0x10] 4 NT Fiber data
FS:[0x14] 4 Win9x and NT Arbitrary data slot
FS:[0x18] 4 Win9x and NT Linear address of TIB
---- End of NT subsystem independent part ----
FS:[0x1C] 4 NT Environment Pointer
FS:[0x20] 4 NT Process ID
FS:[0x24] 4 NT Current thread ID
FS:[0x28] 4 NT Active RPC Handle
FS:[0x2C] 4 Win9x and NT Linear address of the thread-local storage array
FS:[0x30] 4 NT Linear address of Process Environment Block (PEB)
FS:[0x34] 4 NT Last error number
FS:[0x38] 4 NT Count of owned critical sections
FS:[0x3C] 4 NT Address of CSR Client Thread
FS:[0x40] 4 NT Win32 Thread Information
FS:[0x44] 124 NT, Wine Win32 client information (NT), user32 private data (Wine), 0x60 = LastError (Win95), 0x74 = LastError (WinME)
FS:[0xC0] 4 NT Reserved for Wow32
FS:[0xC4] 4 NT Current Locale
FS:[0xC8] 4 NT FP Software Status Register
FS:[0xCC] 216 NT, Wine Reserved for OS (NT), kernel32 private data (Wine)
FS:[0x124] 4 NT Pointer to KTHREAD (ETHREAD) structure
FS:[0x1A4] 4 NT Exception code
FS:[0x1A8] 18 NT Activation context stack
FS:[0x1BC] 24 NT, Wine Spare bytes (NT), ntdll private data (Wine)
FS:[0x1D4] 40 NT, Wine Reserved for OS (NT), ntdll private data (Wine)
FS:[0x1FC] 1248 NT, Wine GDI TEB Batch (OS), vm86 private data (Wine)
FS:[0x6DC] 4 NT GDI Region
FS:[0x6E0] 4 NT GDI Pen
FS:[0x6E4] 4 NT GDI Brush
FS:[0x6E8] 4 NT Real Process ID
FS:[0x6EC] 4 NT Real Thread ID
FS:[0x6F0] 4 NT GDI cached process handle
FS:[0x6F4] 4 NT GDI client process ID (PID)
FS:[0x6F8] 4 NT GDI client thread ID (TID)
FS:[0x6FC] 4 NT GDI thread locale information
FS:[0x700] 20 NT Reserved for user application
FS:[0x714] 1248 NT Reserved for GL
FS:[0xBF4] 4 NT Last Status Value
FS:[0xBF8] 532 NT Static UNICODE_STRING buffer
FS:[0xE0C] 4 NT Pointer to deallocation stack
FS:[0xE10] 256 NT TLS slots, 4 byte per slot
FS:[0xF10] 8 NT TLS links (LIST_ENTRY structure)
FS:[0xF18] 4 NT VDM
FS:[0xF1C] 4 NT Reserved for RPC
FS:[0xF28] 4 NT Thread error mode (RtlSetThreadErrorMode)

FS maps to a TIB which is embedded in a data block known as the TDB (thread data base). The TIB contains the thread-specific exception handling chain and pointer to the TLS (thread local storage.) The thread local storage is not the same as C local storage.



Accessing the TIB

The TIB can be accessed as an offset of segment register FS.

It is not common to access the TIB fields by an offset from FS:[0], but rather first getting a linear self-referencing pointer to it stored at FS:[0x18]. That pointer can be used with pointer arithmetics or be cast to a struct pointer.

Example in C inlined-assembly for 32-bit x86:

// gcc (AT&T-style inline assembly).
void *getTIB()
    void *pTib;
    __asm__("movl %%fs:0x18, %0" : "=r" (pTib) : : );
    return pTib;
// Microsoft C
void *getTib()
    void *pTib;
    __asm {
        mov EAX, FS:[0x18]
        mov [pTib], EAX
    return pTib;
// Using Microsoft's intrinsics instead of inline assembly
void *getTib()
    void *pTib = ( void * ) __readfsdword( 0x18 );
    return pTib;



read more : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Win32_Thread_Information_Block