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아이콘 모음 사이트 http://www.iconfinder.com/ 2013. 6. 28.
mfc class referent http://msdn.microsoft.com/ko-kr/library/bk77x1wx(v=vs.80).aspx The following classes are included in the MFC Library. Class Header file CAnimateCtrl afxcmn.h CArchive afx.h CArchiveException afx.h CArray afxtempl.h CAsyncMonikerFile afxole.h CAsyncSocket afxsock.h CBitmap afxwin.h CBitmapButton afxext.h CBrush afxwin.h CButton afxwin.h CByteArray afxcoll.h CCachedDataPathProperty afxctl.h CCheck.. 2013. 6. 27.
윈도우 화면 잠금 Window + L #include #define IsWin2000Plus() ((DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))) >= 5) int (__stdcall * MyLockWorkStation)(); int __stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { HINSTANCE hinstLib; if (IsWin2000Plus()) { hinstLib = LoadLibrary("USER32.DLL"); if (hinstLib) { MyLockWorkStation = (int (__stdcall *)()) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "LockWorkStation.. 2013. 6. 25.
Sandboxie. Process isolation with kernel hooks. Sandboxie. Process isolation with kernel hooks. May 23rd, 2011 Posted in Uncategorized Write comment 1. Introduction: Sandboxie is a sandbox that performs a process isolation. Its main features: -Access control to kernel resources by direct hooks on kernel objects. -Some ssdt and shadow ssdt hooks to control window messages. -Some kernel registered callbacks to be notified of process creating, i.. 2013. 5. 28.
windbg tool 다운로드 경로 Debugging Tools for Windows http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/debugtoolswindows dbg_amd64_6.12.2.633.msi http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?ProjectName=debugtoolswindows&DownloadId=13747 dbg_x86_6.12.2.633.msi http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?ProjectName=debugtoolswindows&DownloadId=13748 2013. 5. 23.
WEB Diagram Draw~!! https://cacoo.com/ 2013. 5. 14.