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이클립스에서 파이썬 개발환경 구축하기 에디트 플러스 3 와 파이썬 연동 http://www.sayong.kr/entry/%EC%97%90%EB%94%94%ED%8A%B8-%ED%94%8C%EB%9F%AC%EC%8A%A4%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C-%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%B4%EC%8D%AC-%EC%84%A4%EC%A0%95-%EB%B2%95 이클립스 와 파이썬 연동 http://dynamide.tistory.com/1272 2011. 12. 30.
IsWindowUnicode IsWindowUnicode Function Determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window. Syntax Copy BOOL WINAPI IsWindowUnicode( __in HWND hWnd ); Parameters hWnd [in] Type: HWND A handle to the window to be tested. Return Value Type: BOOL If the window is a native Unicode window, the return value is nonzero. If the window is not a native Unicode window, the return value is zero. The window.. 2011. 4. 7.
64비트 KeServiceTable Call 64비트 OS에서 서비스 테이블 함수 호출 과정 0: kd> dq KeServiceDescriptorTable fffff800`01a7c980 fffff800`018abd00 00000000`00000000 fffff800`01a7c990 00000000`00000187 fffff800`018ac93c fffff800`01a7c9a0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 fffff800`01a7c9b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 fffff800`01a7c9c0 fffff800`018abd00 00000000`00000000 fffff800`01a7c9d0 00000000`00000187 fffff800`018ac93c fffff800`01a.. 2011. 1. 31.
time, _time64 Get the system time. Copy time_t time( time_t *timer ); __time64_t _time64( __time64_t *timer ); Parameters timer Pointer to the storage location for time. Return Value Return the time in elapsed seconds. There is no error return. A call to time or _time64 can fail, however, if the date passed to the function is: Before midnight, January 1, 1970. After 19:14:07, January 18, 2038, UTC (using time.. 2010. 11. 24.
키보드 관련 WINAPI In This Section ActivateKeyboardLayout BlockInput EnableWindow GetActiveWindow GetAsyncKeyState GetFocus GetKBCodePage GetKeyboardLayout GetKeyboardLayoutList GetKeyboardLayoutName GetKeyboardState GetKeyboardType GetKeyNameText GetKeyState GetLastInputInfo IsWindowEnabled keybd_event LoadKeyboardLayout MapVirtualKey MapVirtualKeyEx OemKeyScan RegisterHotKey SendInput SetActiveWindow SetFocus Se.. 2010. 10. 28.
enum SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS enum SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS : int { SystemBasicInformation, SystemProcessorInformation, SystemPerformanceInformation, SystemTimeOfDayInformation, SystemPathInformation, SystemProcessInformation, SystemCallCountInformation, SystemDeviceInformation, SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, SystemFlagsInformation, SystemCallTimeInformation, SystemModuleInformation, SystemLocksInformation, SystemSta.. 2010. 8. 18.